Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cha-Ching! Cashing in on the Gilmore girls Revival

Cha-Ching! Cashing in on the Gilmore girls Revival

The substantial fandom is collectively holding its breath as we await the return of our beloved coffee-swilling, quick-quipping, slightly spastic Gilmore  girls. Several new announcements are being released daily.  So many, in fact, that my co-host and I have devoted an entire segment of our Gilmore girls podcast, Under the Floorboards, to collecting and sorting revival news for our listeners. We have espoused the opinion for several weeks that this is a most excellent time to be a Gilmore girls fan. Of course for fans like us, anytime is a great time!

Unfortunately, all this awesome comes at a price. Every news source on the planet seems committed to cashing in on the revival. The articles range from funny and informative, to completely asinine. I’m here to discuss the latter. The most latter. The biggest, steaming pile of latter you’ve ever stepped in.

In an article from a news source I won’t list or link because I will in no way be furthering the spread of such non-sense, several “mistakes” made in the Gilmore girls, are pointed out. This article essentially reads like a hate letter to Team Palladino.

As fans, most of us can (grudgingly) accept the crazy-varied opinions of other fans. Team Jess or Team Dean? Christopher- yay or nay? Jackson’s condom cap- keep it or toss it? Whatever the argument, at the end of the day we respect the opinions of our fellow fans, even when we disagree. This is the world the Palladino’s created; our very own Stars Hollow.

The disparaging article must have been penned by someone who can’t stand the show, yet watched it anyway. (Come to think of it, they should co-host a podcast ;) I’m not sure what could be left to like after tearing down the show’s creator, executive producers, writers, and several major story lines and characters. What irritates me- to the point I had no choice but to respond- is that here you have a person who clearly doesn’t get the Gilmore girls at all, telling us all why it sucks. Worse yet, it is now making it's way all across the interwebs, leaving behind it a trail of poop three feet dep. This article is nothing more than a shameless attempt to cash in on our “little corner of the world,” and that sucks.

I will now take each of the points offered in said article, and explain why they were written by a poo-poo head.

Luke gets a love child…
Oh, shit. Here we go again. Hasn’t there been enough April hate, already? For the last time, people, April was just a little girl who wanted to know her dad. She is an ASP creation and as such, should be respected as canon. Luke and Lorelai screwed up their relationship, plain and simple.

On top of this nonsense, the article claims ASP, “slowly began to dismantle the show behind-the-scenes,” after failed contract negotiations with the CW. Folks, ASP keeps the Stars Hollow sign hanging in her house. She fucking loved the show, the actors and the fans- so much so she’s giving us all the ending we’ve been begging for, BECAUSE we begged for it!

Chris and Lorelai get back together
Did I hate this storyline with a powerful, seething anger? Yeah-huh. However, this article refers to Chris and Lorelai as “Ross and Rachel.” Please. Also, season 7. C'mon.

The Digger and Lorelai relationship
This relationship is referred to as "filler." While I like to think of all of Lorelai's non-Luke relationships as filler, that is not the spirit this statement was written in. Chris Eigeman is called a big guest star who the writers struggled to find a place for just because he was available. Though Jason is not Luke, thereby not good enough for Lorelai, I enjoyed their storyline greatly. Digger was the only of Lorelai's boyfriends besides Luke who ever really kept up with her, and his interactions with Emily were priceless.

Rory gets a haircut and turns into a bitch
Apparently going to Yale turned the formerly studious girl into a "swan princess". The article sites her involvement with the Life & Death Brigade as evidence to support this fact.

It is true, that Rory went through a lot of changes after entering Yale. She did, in fact, get a bitchin' new haircut, which I missed horribly for the rest of the series. She meets new people, tries new things, grows as a student and writer, and yes, develops a much more confident veneer as she sheds her mousy personality gradually. Some might call this a "mistake." I prefer to think of it as a character arc, or even- the typical college experience. But what do I know?

Rachel returns and the writers don't know what to do with her
Ok...did you even watch this show? You know this isn't Friends, right? There was that Rachel reference above, so maybe the author was confused.

Luke's Rachel was mentioned in an episode prior to her return, and their relationship is a key piece of the Luke puzzle that gives his character depth, as well as forcing Lorelai to deal with her own feelings for Luke.

This point also rambles on about the show having so many characters they didn't know what to do with them all. Would any Gilmore fan dispute the fact that every character- from townie to Rory- had a critical part to play in developing our love for Stars Hollow?

Dean gets dumber
Admittedly,  I have always been bummed that Dean becomes less bookish as the series progresses. He was certainly a more well-rounded dude in season one, than anytime thereafter. However, this article treats Dean as if he were a knuckle-dragging dufus with no value at all, post first season. WTF?

Rory's two college gal pals
First of all- see above reference to all things season 7.

More importantly, Lucy and Olivia fucking rock! This is one of the few things about season 7 that worked for me. Besides the fact that I am in love with Krysten Ritter, Rory desperately needed a couple of sassy, quirky, gal pals. This article calls the girls, "utterly devoid of personality and purpose." I call them two scoops of awesome with a side of kick-ass. They are two of the biggest personalities in the final season, and a huge help in getting me through all the Logan crap.

Worse yet, this point includes Lindsay and Tobin as part of an "endless roster of useless characters." Wow. Just. Wow. I hate Lindsay passionately, but to call her useless is admitting you have no clue what the hell the Gilmore girls is even about. Lindsay is a pivotal character in developing Dean's story, as well as a truly entertaining addition to Dean and Rory's story. And Tobin?? Who- besides Michel- doesn't love Tobin?

Rory meets a naked dude who falls for her
#1- She's in college. Shit happens.
#2- Who wouldn't fall in love with Rory?

Jess was written off the show for a spinoff
What can be said? Whoops. While Jess was a beloved character, would you really want to begrudge the guy a chance at something to help him further his career? They tried something that didn't work. That's showbiz. 

For the love of all that is right in the world, if you just have to cash in on the revival, please watch the show, love the show and respect the show. Gilmore girls fans are part of a culture. We are residents of Stars Hollow, and we get ticked when people mess with our neighbors.

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